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B2B Marketing Automation: Pros and Cons - ProperExpression

Written by ProperExpression | Nov 11, 2021 1:41:10 PM

Marketing automation is a popular player in the B2C arena. Its guarantee of increased efficiency through strategic systematization of marketing tasks makes it an invaluable tool. But marketing automation is just as important in the B2B space! 

By using marketing automation for B2B, you can engage leads throughout the funnel and produce personalized, educational content that can reach prospects at the right time—all without having to lift a finger. B2B marketing automation is proven to impact the bottom line in positive and measurable ways. 

As with all marketing methods, automation isn’t perfect. It’s important to acknowledge the advantages and disadvantages of marketing automation so that it can be implemented in the most effective way. If the right software is used in the right way, then marketing automation in B2B can be a strong stepping stone to success. 

What’s the Point of B2B Marketing Automation?

B2B marketing automation does more than automate time-consuming tasks. If used correctly, it also enables you to tap into your full marketing potential by systematizing processes, enforcing standards, ensuring proper handover to sales, and improving messaging delivery and personalization. 

Building a marketing strategy without automation is like having a car without a windshield. Though the car might still run, its passengers aren’t safeguarded properly, the vehicle won’t pass muster, and no one will want to hitch a ride. Proper automation is the way to safeguard your business and make it a clean and inviting space in B2B transactions. 

What are the Key Advantages of Marketing Automation B2B?

There are countless marketing automation benefits for B2B, all of which lead to driving more revenue:

1. Saves time 

B2B marketing automation, especially email marketing, uses collected data to send unique emails to prospects so that you can set it and forget it, allowing your team to focus its energies on more significant opportunities. 

2. Cleans up and reports data  

Some automation software will clean up and segment your database so that there are no messy repetitions, giving you clarity on the specs of your B2B prospects.

3. Aligns sales and marketing  

Automation can keep marketing and sales aligned by creating seamless handoffs, transparency, and feedback loops. 

4. Nurtures leads  

With automation’s ability to collect and organize data, it’s much easier to nurture leads with more personalized, effective campaigns that will convert leads into customers.  

5. Enables growth  

By creating scalable processes that one person or team alone might not efficiently handle,  automation is increasing your company’s bandwidth, making growth attainable. 

Are there Disadvantages to B2B Marketing Automation?  

Automation is a marketing tool that can have a major impact on B2B companies, but its effectiveness depends on how well it’s used. If not properly implemented, automation can have pitfalls. Here is what you want to avoid: 

1. Sharing outdated marketing material  

If your automated marketing content isn’t being monitored and audited, then outdated,  irrelevant material might be on its way to leads. This can reflect poorly on your brand,  which will impede your success and prevent you from converting leads. 

2. Not testing automation software properly 

Automation technology has to be tested properly, with safeguards in place, to ensure that  the wrong content doesn’t get sent to the wrong prospects (yes, we still remember this HBO email!)

3. Poor timing and poor segmentation 

Sending a weekly generic message to your entire database is not what automation is meant for. A segmented list is crucial so that personalized messages can be sent to each segment, tailored to their engagement and preferences. 

4. Ignoring the entire funnel  

Automation is least effective when it’s not properly linked to sales. The integration of the two is imperative to get the results you want. You can’t stop at just marketing communications; every stage of the funnel needs attention. Thinking about the prospect  AND the salesperson makes automation most advantageous. 

5. Choosing the wrong tech 

This simple mistake can cause the greatest disadvantages in marketing. If you choose the wrong tech for your company, you’ll have ineffective, limited software that won’t do what you need it to. 

As long as you follow marketing automation best practices, then it can be an excellent asset to your B2B marketing strategy. Using a marketing automation agency is a great way to avoid the mistakes and disadvantages that can come with automation. An agency will get to know your company and its goals, and ensure the proper implementation and monitoring of the right technology. 

Marketing Automation B2B Key Takeaways

Marketing automation is essential in B2B, but to get the best marketing automation ROI, you have to implement the right software at the right time and pay attention at every stage of the funnel. If you set and achieve marketing automation goals that align with your marketing and business goals, you can make a real impact on your bottom line. 

Want to Know More? 

Interested in the services of a marketing automation agency that will help you boost your business and skyrocket your bottom line? Contact us today!